
Posts Tagged ‘David Bellamy

25 Random Things About Me

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This is one of those chain things that come round every now and then…and in the absence of anything interesting to say today, I thought I would post my answers here.   I’m realised on completion that I’m actually quite a dull person! 

25 Random Things About Me:

1. I ran the London marathon 3 years ago

2. One of my favourite books ever is Catch 22.

3. I cry every time I watch The Green Mile

4. The first pets I had were a cat called “Scampi” and a gerbils called “Bastard” and “mum”

5. I have a fear of Bill Oddie, Gary Bushell, and sild.

6. By the end of 2010 I want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

7. My nose was broken at Rage (a nightclub) when it was at Zinc bar many years ago by some twat who bumped into me.  With his head.

8. I have very bad eyesight, but always wear contact lenses

9. I would one day like to work as a counsellor

10. I once had a pet duck. Called “duck”. I was a very unimaginative child.

11. I passed my driving license second attempt

12. I once broke my toe jumping into the shallow end of a swimming pool. Ouch.

13. When I was little I wanted to be a pony when I grew up

14. The worst job I ever had was working in a meat packing factory whilst at college

15. When I was 7 I won an Essex poetry competition, and the prize was books for my school, plus going with the other winners on a nature walk with David Bellamy. Oh yes.

16. I love sleeping

17. When I was 8 years old I was sent home from school sick for eating grass (see number 13)

18. I hate smug people and bigoted people.

19. I have been accused of having a Morrissey-God fixation.  It’s probably true.

20. When I was 12 I walked headfirst into a lampost and broke my glasses

21. I went to a party last year that was crashed by Daryl Hannah. Fact.

22. I want to live in France one day

23. I have had 5 operations on my eye to correct a squint.

24. I have no middle name…but would like to have one – suggestions please!

25. I don’t have 25 interesting things to say about myself

Written by Lores

March 5, 2009 at 1:34 pm